We recently helped out a disabled veteran who needed some serious winterization of windows, repairs to doors that leaked air, and new steps that were unsafe for stepping. |
Being nearly blind, these steps would not be good during an emergency exit. |
Funny how God works things out. One of our members JUST HAPPENED to have a set of steps from a house trailer from a relative. He was holding on to them, and offered them up for use. Wouldn't you know it, they fit in the spot of the old concrete steps perfectly! We just need to put that hand railing on the other side. |
We also moved leaves. We're not sure where all the leaves came from, but it looked like her yard possessed all the neighbors leaves, aside from her own. And it JUST SO HAPPENED that in moving leaves, one of our youngsters found a set of eye glasses. The veteran was overjoyed, as they aid her extremely poor vision. She rejoiced over and over again that she had been looking for them for quite some time. IT JUST SO HAPPENED that we were moving leaves, and IT JUST SO HAPPENED that our youngster would find the glasses. Funny how God works things out. |
In the end, the veteran gave us a very nice card for our two weekends of service at her home. In it, she wrote how our efforts renewed not only her faith in humanity, but also in God. It is ironic that when we step out of our busy schedules and stop being selfish with our time and efforts, that others are blessed as a result...and that we are then blessed in return. May God be glorified!