The morning after Christmas 2011, we convened at a food bank in downtown Jackson, MI to perform some much needed work on a porch. The organizer of the food pantry didn't initially plan to serve so many people in the community at the outset, but God had other plans. Cold weather, and a breezy porch, however, made it difficult to serve people well. So, she asked for help...and that's where we like to get our hands dirty.
(It's hard to imagine from the pictures that this was the day after Christmas in snow. It almost looks like spring.)
This is what the porch looked like (mostly) and was in need of an overhaul so people could stand inside during cold weather...
"Arrrrrrrgggggh!!" Troy and power tools USUALLY means we've got more work in store than we had initially planned. Not this time, though. 
Bob is the careful, meticulous designer of the new walls.
And Dave...well, Dave just likes cutting things. We're not sure what he's doing here. Probably just practicing on some scraps.
A sawz-all is a man's best friend. No, really, it is.

A little to the left, Dave. No, your other left.

"Hey, Mikie, look! Down-hill skis."
Ummmmm, Tim, you forgot to add the snow.
A little to the left, Dave. No, your other left.
"Hey, Mikie, look! Down-hill skis."
Ummmmm, Tim, you forgot to add the snow.
Everything is starting to come together. Slowly at times, but coming together, nonetheless.
A couple stubborn boards needed some "motivation", as Tim put it.
The other Dave is just standing next to this wall, acting like he's working hard.
Or, maybe the wall was holding him up.
The bare bones. Lookin' good.